Please support the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family. Your generosity is the foundation to sustain and grow our community.
All donations are greatly appreciated.
There are three main ways you can donate:
1. Online via PayPal using the DONATE button below
2. Bank Transfer - please contact for details
3. Cheque - made payable to Ukrainian Catholic Church or UCC - and posted to the Chancery Office addressed to the Bursar

Every pound raised helps us support our parishes, our priests, and those in need around us.
Did you know that if you are a UK taxpayer we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate? And it won’t cost you anything!
Gift Aid is a government scheme that enables us to reclaim the tax that you have already paid, on your donations.
To make a Gift Aid declaration today, there are three simple steps:
Download a Gift Aid Declaration form
Print and complete the form
Return the complete form to your parish OR email the completed form to
We will take care of the rest!
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Have you considered including the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London in your Last Will & Testament? A Last Will is an expression of your commitment to the principles, people and institutions that you cherish here on earth. As an active participant and supporter of your Church, a bequest in your Last Will ensures that the work of the Ukrainian Catholic Church can continue after you are gone. It is a lasting testament that has great significance.
Remembering your Eparchy in your will is easy to do. Here is an example of the words you can use to do this:
“I give and bequeath to the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family (or Ukrainian Catholic Church in Great Britain) the sum of [INSERT AMOUNT]"